This week, Archivist Louise looks forward to talking about her
favourite things in LHSA’s collections (apart from pictures of cats….)
On Wednesday 19th October at 12.30pm, I’m going
to be giving a free, short public talk in the Centre for Research Collections.
The talk’s connected to an exhibition that we’re taking part in inside the 6th floor display wall in the
Main Library. The exhibition looks at the work of an archive from another
angle. You’ll often see archive treasures on display, from manuscripts to
objects to images, but the hard work that goes into making these collections
accessible –so that researchers can physically see them and that they can find
what they’re looking for – all goes on behind closed doors….
The Enhance, Access
and Understand exhibition aims to put his right, bringing behind-the-scenes
conservation, digitisation and description out of the shadows and into the
light (but not too much light – we have to be careful about our lux levels! We’re showcasing the work done throughout the Centre for Research Collections
(CRC) that has been generously funded by the Wellcome Trust Research Resources
scheme – grants to libraries and archives that help to make collections
accessible to researchers by funding cataloguing, digitisation and conservation.
Last week, LHSA Manager, Ruth, and Emily Hick (former Project
Conservator for LHSA, now CRC Special Collections Conservator) hosted a successful
talk and studio tour on the challenges involved in conserving LHSA’s HIV/AIDS
collections, which are featured in Enhance
Access and Understand. Emily explains some of the issues involved in this
work here.
On the 19th October, it’s my turn, and I’ll be focusing on the work
that we’ve done in LHSA to catalogue a fascinating but under-used set of
resources – 20th century folder-based case notes.
A typical neurosurgical case note (all identifying details redacted) |
If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you’ll know that we
currently have two Wellcome Trust-funded cataloguing projects that are ongoing –
one is cataloguing Professor Norman Dott’s neurosurgical case notes and
the second concentrates on our substantial collection of TB case notes from Southfield
Sanatorium, the Royal Victoria Dispensary and two Mass Mobile Radiography
campaigns. Since there have been quite a few blogs on the content of casenotes, the methodology of the projects and even the differences between the two,
I won’t repeat what’s already been written, but try to give my own angle on why
I thing this cataloguing is so important.
To say that I’m attached to case notes is probably an
understatement. I started work here at LHSA as Project Archivist, cataloguing
Dott’s case notes and now I supervise both projects as Archivist. In fact, I had my firstexperience of case notes as a volunteer for LHSA back in 2010.
Looking at case records as a cataloguer both intriguing and intimidating. You
gain a privileged view inside someone’s life at a time when they’re probably feeling
at their most vulnerable (as we all are as patients), but there’s also a lot of
specialist medical language in the cases and, when you’re not a medic, that can
take a lot of deciphering! However, this ‘cataloguer’s view’ is unfortunately
an all too rare one, since researchers do not use archival clinical cases as
much as they might.
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Louise as Project Archivist showing off some of her wares! |
The first reason is case notes’ physical condition – many are
still in their original folders, which can be messy and loose on shelves.
Fortunately we’ve solved this problem at LHSA thanks to Wellcome Trust grants
that have funded conservation.
However, by producing a catalogue to our case note collections, we’re
overcoming the two main intellectual barriers to their use as well. First, case
notes can be ordered by name, admission number or by ailment – if a researcher
wants to find all cases featuring a certain condition, for example, in a set of
case notes ordered by admission, it can be a lengthy process scoping hundreds
if not thousands of documents. Secondly, since case notes are relatively modern
archives, most are classified as confidential under legislation and NHS
guidelines that cover health records of living and deceased patients. Even to
see what information cases hold, researchers would need to apply for special
permission – which can take time.
Our catalogues hope to circumvent these difficulties by
providing anonymised descriptions of each case in our neurosurgical and TB case
note collections – so potential researchers can see what sort these documents
have to offer. Because of the way in which we’re cataloguing the cases, we will
also produce a confidential, identifiable catalogue that can be accessed by
special permission by legitimate researchers in our reading room. Both
catalogues label aspects of descriptions so that they can be searched under
specific categories.
Finding a way to describe these glimpses into the recent medical
past certainly was a challenge, but has honestly been my career highlight so
far! We’ve had a brilliant team working on both case note projects, and we’d
love you to come along to learn more about how we went about ‘cracking the case
note conundrum’ – there’ll also be a chance for a sneak peek at how entries in the public catalogue will describe cases before the project launch and an opportunity to see some case folders in the
flesh. You can book your free places here:
In case you were disappointed about the lack of cat pictures
in this post, by the way, here’s one…
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Royal Infirmary resident physician with Darby the cat, 1929 (LHSA photograph collection). |