It was observed in early hospitals that patients tended to
get better more quickly if they were well nourished. It was also noted that
patients with certain illnesses sometimes needed more of particular foods while
others could not tolerate some foods at all.
According to the British Dietetic
Association website, the earliest dietary observations were at St Bartholomew’s
Hospital in 1687 and the first recorded therapeutic diet was at Radcliffe
Infirmary, Oxford in 1837. It was not until the late 19th century
and early 20th century, however that the science of dietetics was
developed, first in the United States of America. In 1920 a report was commissioned by
the Board of Managers of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) to investigate
dietetic arrangements and the Dietetic Department opened in 1924, the first
hospital known to have developed such a department. Sister Ruth Pybus was
appointed dietician and obtained a Rockefeller Scholarship to study dietetics
in American hospitals. In 1928, the Rockefeller Foundation also generously gave
the hospital a grant towards the building of facilities for the Dietetic Department
which included a metabolic unit, two wards, a diet kitchen and laboratory. The
image shows the diet kitchen in 1950.

Staff working in the dietetic kitchen, ward 21 RIE, 1950 (P/PL1/S/395)
Much ingenuity was exercised in the creation of recipes in
the early days. The ‘liver diet’ and the ‘spleen diet’ were created for
patients with pernicious anaemia and great effort was made in producing bran
wafers for diabetics, made from bran with the starch removed put into
a jelly of agar-agar or carragheen moss. The consistency was described as being
like fairy toast with the appearance of thin firelighters, but they were much
in demand by patients! LHSA holds a set of tasty recipes from the Dietetic Department
from the 1950s, which includes this one for chicken in jelly (LHB1/89/4/1).
Recipe for chicken in jelly, 1950s (LHB1/89/4/1)
References: The
Growth and Development of the Dietetic Department: 4 The Royal Infirmary of
Edinburgh by Anna Buchan, International Journal of Food and Nutrition vol. VII, no. 2, Summer 1954.